Imagine driving down the road on a beautiful summer day with no set destination. Feeling good, you reach down to lower the window for a fresh breeze. Surprisingly, nothing happens when you press the button. The windows are stuck.
Power window problems are uncommon, but they can happen. Worn-out window regulators, broken power window motors, and button malfunctions can all cause failed windows. But how can you tell if the window motor or regulator is bad? Here are a few reasons why your power windows stopped working.
Faulty Power Window Regulators
One of the most common reasons power windows malfunction is because of faulty window regulators. The cable attached to the window regulator can break or come off its pulley. The power window system may still sound like it works, but the windows will stall if the cable cannot wind up correctly.
Snow and Ice
Winter driving is already a nerve-wracking experience, but winter weather can also obstruct your windows. Snow and ice can freeze the glass in the frame, causing the regulator to work harder when it tries to move the glass up and down. Too much stress can wear out the regulator until it suddenly stops working.
Overheated Motors
Each door panel has a power motor attached to its window glass. Sometimes, these electric motors overheat and cause the windows to stick. Letting them cool off can get them working again. If not, you may need a technician to remove the panel and inspect the motor and wiring.
Malfunctioning Power Window Switch
Electrical problems from the window switch –– the button you press to raise or lower the window –– can also cause window problems. Every time you press it, the switch signals the motor and window track to open or close the windows. Damaged, loose, or faulty wires can interrupt signaling and cause the windows to stall.
Faulty Windows Got You Down? Frank’s Auto Glass Can Help!
If you’re facing a bad motor, regulator, or window button, visit Frank’s Auto Glass. We can fix it with our expert power window repairs. Call 773-488-7700 or visit us at 6341 South Wentworth Avenue for service. We’ll get your windows working again before you know it.